Pool fitness has long been a growing trend for all ages. Can you make it part of your fitness resolution get fit and healthy? According to Nielsen, the top new year’s resolutions of 2015 were to stay fit and healthy, lose weight, and enjoy life to the fullest. When you think about it, having a pool can help you achieve all of these resolutions! Here’s why. Pool
In Southwest Florida, “winter care for Florida pools” seems like an oxymoron. However, there are misconceptions about pool care during the winter months that can lead to disaster. The truth is that winter care for Florida pools is very similar to what we do all year round, and it is just as important. This article will address the two main misconceptions that will ultimately save
You probably have fond memories of carving pumpkins as a kid. But every year at this time, emergency room physicians and hand surgeons see a rise in injuries related to this Halloween tradition. So we complied some tips to help keep this activity safe for the whole family. Gather the right tools for the job. Pumpkin-carving kits are your best bet. They typically include small saws
Every child looks forward to summer, but when temperatures soar, even happy kids can start to feel oppressed by the heat and humidity. Boredom sets in. Their physical activity levels decline as TV and computer time goes up. Break that cycle and splash away the blues with fun and games in the pool! We scoured the Internet for exciting pool games and chose 10 that
It may seem complex — all the testing and measuring to get the swimming pool water balance just right — but anyone can do it. Besides, it’s not optional. It’s crucial to the safety, enjoyment and longevity of your Waterscapes pool. Don’t rely on your senses to tell you the balance is out of whack. Who wants to experience burning eyes or skin, or that
We hear the phrase “UV ratings” all the time — more often in summer months when we’re reminded to slather on the sunscreen — but how many of us really know what that means? UV is short for ultraviolet radiation, which comes from the sun. Hence the association of UV rays with sunburns and skin cancer. But there’s so much more! The health consequences of too much
Though summer doesn’t actually begin until June 21, Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of or the season — and a mighty fine reason to throw a party. Whether you’re the type to go all-out when entertaining or prefer to keep things simple, kick off summer with a spread that leaves guest satiated and impressed. Easier said than done? Not if you put a twist
Conserving water is not only good for the planet, it also helps keep pool expenses down. An average-size pool can loose an inch of water per week, which translates to roughly 7000 gallons a year for an 18’ x 36’ pool. Even more water is lost through leaks, backwashing and splash out. No wonder your parents warned you to quite splashing so much as a
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