
Pool Fitness: Your New Year’s Resolution

Pool fitness has long been a growing trend for all ages. Can you make it part of your fitness resolution get fit and healthy? According to Nielsen, the top new year’s resolutions of 2015 were to stay fit and healthy, lose weight, and enjoy life to the fullest. When you think about it, having a pool can help you achieve all of these resolutions! Here’s why. Pool

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Winter Care for Florida Pools

In Southwest Florida, “winter care for Florida pools” seems like an oxymoron. However, there are misconceptions about pool care during the winter months that can lead to disaster.  The truth is that winter care for Florida pools is very similar to what we do all year round, and it is just as important. This article will address the two main misconceptions that will ultimately save

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Poolside Thanksgiving Barbeque

The turkey is the most iconic meal of this holiday. So, that’s where we will begin. First, prepare your grill for a medium heat. You don’t want to dry this bird out, and this is an important step. Each grill has its own “personality.” You will want to look into your own specific grill’s preparation techniques. Once the grill is prepared, rinse and prepare the turkey

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Halloween Fun in Sarasota & Bradenton

It’s October in Florida!  The license plates are changing colors; the weather is turning mild; pumpkin decorations are popping up everywhere; and we’re reluctantly leaving our pool-side lifestyles behind for the mild Florida winter.  While it’s still warm enough to spend some quality time at the pool, October is such an exciting time that our pools may just start to feel neglected.  Here’s a list

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Halloween pool

Four Haunted Pools in the United States

Just in time for Halloween, here’s a list of four haunted pools sure to send a chill down your spine! The Queen Mary – Long Beach, CA Completed in 1936, The Queen Mary was once a luxury ship until it was converted into a war ship in 1939.  She continued to serve military purposes until the 1960s, when she was converted back into a luxury

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Four Tips about Pool Safety for Dogs

The Dog Days of Summer: Tips about Pool Safety for Dogs Let’s face it.  Summer in Florida is hot.  Luckily, all it takes is one dip in the sparkling blue water of a swimming pool to drive away the heat.  But what about our furry friends?  Can our canine companions escape the dog days of summer by jumping in the pool?  The answer may surprise

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What Turns Pool Water Blue?

When it comes to above-ground and in-ground pools, there are a lot of frequently asked questions about pool health and upkeep. But did you know that one of the most common questions about pools is, “Why are pools blue?”  There are many myths regarding what turns pool water blue.  Let’s look at a few of these myths and get to the bottom of the pool

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Transitioning Kids to a Back-to-School Schedule

The start of a new school year is upon us. With much to do in preparation for this momentous occasion — shopping, meal planning, scheduling overdue lunch dates with girlfriends! — you may not have given much thought about transitioning your child to a more structured schedule. Oops! Don’t worry, you can make up for lost time. For younger children, experts recommend easing into a

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Nutritious Bag Lunches Your Kids Will Eat

Planning nutritious lunches is only half the battle. Getting your child to eat them is the bigger challenge. Young palates don’t always crave what adults know is good for them. So consider these tips and your child might actually prefer a bag lunch to cafeteria fare. Presentation is Everything The lunchbox has to be awesome. The PlanetBox — part bento box, part TV dinner tray — is

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The Value a Pool Can Add to Your House

Ask pool owners to describe the value a swimming pool has added to their house, and they’re more likely to talk about quality of life than property value. Sure, it can increase property value, but it’s nearly impossible to put a price tag on enjoyment! A pool’s greatest value is that it enhances the luxury of your home. Not only does it beautify the backyard,

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