The Significance of Pool Water Temperature

One key advantage of Southwest Florida is the rare opportunity to enjoy refreshing dips in a pool year-round. With the warmer weather, many pool owners enjoy being able to jump into those clear blue waters and cool off after a long day. However, even cool waters can be too cold for a dip, requiring a change in water temperature!

While not as dramatic as other states, Floridians do experience seasonal temperature changes, from mild winters to hot summers. The right temperature allows owners to be comfortable poolside, but beneath the surface, pool temperature can be impactful in other ways. We will take a deep dive into water temperature to show why its significant for enjoyment and proper pool health.

1. Feeling Comfortable

At the surface level, the main reason for a pool’s temperature is simple – comfort throughout the year. As the seasons change, Floridians will experience a change in the weather. Winter months can have temperatures as low as 59°F while the summer months can climb to an average of 94°F. That is why a pool’s water temperature needs to be adjusted throughout the year.

The average pool water temperature rests between 78 – 82°F, so you need to give some thought to water temperature for a day by the pool. During the hotter months, you’ll want to keep the temperature lower to stay cool under the hot sun. In winter months and the occasional cool night, you’ll want to keep the temperature higher to avoid the unpleasant chill in your pool. Make sure you stay within this range, any temperature lower than the average can make the water feel frigid, while going too far above can make pool water feel hot! The key to maintaining the proper temperature is a pool heater. A pool enclosure prevents the sun from beating directly on the water, so you have more control over the temperature. Waterscapes utilizes gas and electric heat pumps in our pools, allowing owners to find the right solution for maintaining an appropriate temperature for their pool.

2. User Health

If you ask any pool owner about their favorite memories in the water, many will bring up summertime activities such as tag, Marco Polo, swim races or simply floating. While these activities are fun, especially in those cool blue waters, the wrong pool temperatures can make these less than enjoyable.

The correct pool temperature is an important aspect of pool safety as well. When engaging in any kind of physical activity, a person’s body temperature rises, making it important they stay cool. When pool water is set to a lower temperature, users can stay comfortable while having fun. However, setting a pool temperature too high can be harmful, as users can experience dehydration and even become overheated, ruining a perfect outdoor day. On days where users may engage in more water-related activities, keep the pool temperature a bit lower so guests can keep their cool while outside.

3. Disrupting Water Chemistry

When it comes to pool chemical levels, many do not consider that the temperature has a role to play in maintaining the harmony. Isn’t temperature just for comfort? Does it really impact chemical balance? Pool temperature is for personal comfort, but it can have an effect on certain chemical levels.


Pool temperature can affect two particular levels – alkalinity, which maintains pool conditions, and calcium hardness, the “nutrients” your pool uses to stay healthy. When pool water is colder, these levels drop and result in “soft” water, corroding surface materials and incurring potential maintenance costs. Conversely, when water temperatures are too high, these levels spike and result in “hard” water, causing scaling in pool equipment and cloudy water. While owners do have a responsibility to test and adjust chemical levels often, understanding water temperature’s role in this delicate balance can help owners anticipate how levels may be affected and the best way to address it.

4. Overworking Chlorine

Florida’s temperatures make algae a common issue for pools. Algae is a plant organism that contaminates clean water and creates a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, making it quite the aquatic nuisance. Your primary solution is chlorine, which will combine with and deactivate the algae, eliminating the threat from your pool.

In this battle of sanitation, water temperature can put the outcome in either side’s favor. Algae thrives in hot temperatures, and if a bloom is exposed to pool water temperatures over 85°F, it can grow rapidly and use up all available chlorine, requiring you to shock your pool. Given the plant’s heat-sensitive nature, pool owners can also use temperatures just below 78°F to their advantage. Colder waters will not eliminate algae, but they will stall its growth significantly, allowing chlorine to complete its job with minimal need for additional shock treatments. Owners should always stay on top of chlorine maintenance for the sake of their pools, but when algae appears, temperature can be a huge asset with cleaning efforts.

While water temperature is meant to optimize the owner’s experience, there are a myriad of ways it’s a significant factor in pool health. As one of Southwest Florida’s premier pool builders, we are dedicated to creating luxurious pools and providing owners with insights that can help them with proper pool upkeep. If you are ready to create your own private oasis, contact Waterscapes today.