The Dog Days of Summer: Tips about Pool Safety for Dogs
Let’s face it. Summer in Florida is hot. Luckily, all it takes is one dip in the sparkling blue water of a swimming pool to drive away the heat. But what about our furry friends? Can our canine companions escape the dog days of summer by jumping in the pool? The answer may surprise you. If you are thinking of putting your dog in the pool, here are four tips about pool safety for dogs to make sure your fur-baby is safe and sound.

Make Sure your Dog can Swim
It is a very popular myth that all dogs can swim. The truth is that some breeds struggle to swim in the water. Others may panic the minute they put one paw in. Your best bet is to give your dog a test run before the pool. If you aren’t sure, you may want to discuss it with your vet. Snout size, short legs, and level of fitness should all be considered.
Dips in the Pool not Sips from the Pool
According to the American Kennel Club, some dogs think of the pool as one big personal dog bowl. Discourage this behavior. While chlorine is a mild irritant to human beings, it can be a bit more irritating to dogs (and dogs’ tummies). So, be sure to provide plenty of other clean sources of water. Also, make sure that your fur-baby knows where to find them.
Supervise. Supervise. Supervise.
Never leave your dog unattended in a pool. This is perhaps the most important of our tips about pool safety for dogs. For a dog, swimming pool safety falls onto your shoulders. Playtime and panic can look very similar. In fact, dogs can tire easily. While they are splashing around, they may not be able to bark for help. So, keep a close eye on your pup, and make sure that all exits are clear and easily accessible. If you want additional peace of mind, you can even learn dog CPR. However, in an emergency situation, this does not take the place of a trip to vet.

Rinse and Dry your Dog
Chlorine is a mild irritant. Just like with humans, a quick rinse in clean water is the best way to prevent the chemicals from staying on the skin. Drying your dog is essential, especially around the ears. Leaving a dog’s ears wet can lead to irritation and even an ear infection. This is an important pool safety tip for all dogs, but dogs with long, droopy ears can be more susceptible to infection.
Safe Times = Fun Times
Many dogs enjoy the water. Many owners enjoy taking their fur-babies for a quick swim. The most important thing you can do is to follow pool safety for dogs. Clear exits, clean water, and even flotation devices can make your time in the pool fun and safe for both you and your dog.