

The Best Springtime Activity in Florida

Springtime in Florida Spring has officially landed here in Florida, and our residents couldn’t be happier. Our winters may be mild, but that doesn’t change the impact of spring. Warmer weather, the bright colors and aroma of blooming flowers, and the chirping of newly hatched birds are all part of what makes the spring in Florida memorable. So, it is no surprise that many Floridians

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El Niño 2016: How to Prepare your Pool

El Niño 2016: Bad News for Florida? In October, 2015, forecasters warned that this year’s El Niño event has the potential to spawn a higher than average amount of tornadoes from November – April. While central and south Florida is not a stranger to severe weather events, winter storms of this nature are not normal. In light of the tornado-spawning storms of the past few weeks,

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No Fall in Florida? Think Again.

By the end of October, Floridians usually start to accept the fact that summer is over and fall is coming. The mosquitoes are slowing, the pool toys are put away, and the rainy season is usually getting replaced by blue skies and drier weather. It’s during this time that a popular joke starts floating around on the autumn wind. To paraphrase, the joke goes something

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Mosquito Control and Pools

Mosquito control almost always comes down to prevention. If you live in Florida, you are very familiar with the nuisance of mosquitoes. Many have joked that the state bird of Florida should actually be the mosquito. Joking aside, mosquitoes are a nearly year round problem for many parts of the state. They are more than just a nuisance. Mosquitoes have the potential to be a

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